Keep up

Call preparation, not luck
No need to cluck
Acknowledge the muck
Keep up

Improve the run
Service your guns
Dream till it weighs a ton
Haters can't keep up
Shut the nay-sayers up
Expose their bluff
Get a lil rough
Keep up

Know your stuff
Forge & fortify your troughs
Chart your own course
Keep up

Navigate your gulf
Strengthen your ports
Empower your fort
Always keep up

Take more than enough
Kill the fear re-runs
Coat your back with teflon
That your years may be long
Keep hope strong
Tell the coroner when you're done
Keep up till the works all gone


  1. Keep Up the Great Work while Inspiring Others!

  2. Very inspirational poem, when you read it it’ll make you feel stronger and more secure of yourself to not allow other people to push you around like a toy, you are not the game so don’t allow people to play you.

  3. Excellent motivation to keep the mind focused on the task at hand

  4. You got to be ready to start finish and win the race. And to keep up!
    Good Motivating piece!

  5. A very encouraging piece!! Staying on course is not an easy task we must learn how to overcome obstacles. Obstacles are mini lessons that must be learn on the journey. Keep up and stay woke!

  6. Great poem, very inspiring and motivational.

  7. Breathtaking! Electrified Poem I must say.

  8. It’s refreshing to read this piece. We all at times, more often than we care to acknowledge, feel like giving up. The world is cruel. We know it but this feeling creeps on us every now and then. This piece should be put in a place where we can see regular and be reminded that we’re close now than yesterday and we can’t afford to halt. As you inspire others so will you be inspired.

    Thanks for sharing!

  9. Very nice indeed!!! Continue to uplift and motivate us to higher heights.


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