The Dream Reimagined
The Dr. Caleb A. Davis African History Ministry of the New Birth Baptist Church invites you to a special SundaySchool class 8/30/20 at 8:30am "The Dream Reimagined" to commemorate the anniversary of one of the most prolific speeches ever "I Have a Dream " by Dr. King during the March on Washington
The Dr. Caleb A. Davis African History Ministry of the New Birth Baptist Church invites you to a special SundaySchool class 8/30/20 at 8:30am "The Dream Reimagined" to commemorate the anniversary of one of the most prolific speeches ever "I Have a Dream " by Dr. King during the March on Washington
Nbbc is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: "The Dream Reimagined" Nbbc African History Sunday school class
Time: Aug 30, 2020 08:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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March on Washington 1963
Original Dream speech 1962
DR. KING "Unfulfilled Dreams" speech
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